Going the extra mile

Tips to Survive a COVID world.

This week's fresh serve of tips to Survive a COVID world from around the globe to help the Catering and Restaurant Industry survive and get stronger.

Keeping you up-to-date with the latest in Catering Equipment & Restaurant Equipment, Food Trends & Business Tips from around the web.

Taking the Extra Step to Deliver Amazing Service

Sometimes a little creativity and extra effort can make a big difference in the customer experience.

The short version of the story is that a woman went to dinner at one of the finest restaurants in New York. From experience, she knew it was difficult to get her favorite beverage, Dr. Pepper, so she brought her own and requested a glass of ice—nothing else. When the server returned with a crystal glass filled with ice, she took the can of soda out of her purse and filled her glass. The server eventually took the empty can away. Several minutes later, he returned with another can of Dr. Pepper. She was, in her words, “astonished,” that the restaurant had Dr. Pepper. Well, it turns out they didn’t. The server “ran out to the corner bodega” and bought a can for her to enjoy.

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Taking the Extra Step to Deliver Amazing Service Original story and image on business2community.com

What the Restaurant World Will Look Like After Coronavirus Original story and image on qsrmagazine.com

What the Restaurant World Will Look Like After Coronavirus

The global COVID-19 pandemic left the economy in shambles and restaurants reeling. Experts have dubbed it a "black swan" event, or an unexpected occasion that makes a lasting impact in ways we'll only know in hindsight. Indeed, the last few months have completely upended the foodservice industry and reset whatever momentum companies had built beforehand. Thousands of restaurants have already closed for good, and the rest will never be the same.

With so much uncertainty about COVID-19 remaining, it’s a Herculean task to theorize what restaurants will look like in the future. But we thought we ought to at least try. We asked the industry to weigh in on how the coronavirus will permanently alter the restaurant landscape, and what lessons have already been learned these last three months.

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6 reasons why QR codes are useful

QR codes can take part in the social distancing implementation while staying connected

Since QR codes surfaced in the market, it has become one of the most brilliant tools when it comes to marketing known to boost customer engagement.

QR code scans allow you to analyse where you stand in your marketing, what can you do to improve more or if you are getting enough leads.

Top 6 reasons follow...

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6 reasons why QR codes are useful Original story and image on theshout.com.au

Hospitality and tourism key to restarting the economy Original story and image on deccanchronicle.com

Hospitality and tourism key to restarting the economy

New research from the Australian National University shows that, behind developing a vaccine, Australians believe the restarting of the hospitality and tourism industry will provide the biggest boost to the economy.

Alcohol Beverages Australia’s Industry Report on the impact of the coronavirus showed that the hospitality sector lost close to half a million jobs at the height of the lockdown, and CEO Andrew Wilsmore said the ANU’s research highlights that the public understands the key role the sector can play in the country’s recovery.

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Your Commercial Kitchens Trilogy Webinar...

Using A Combi Oven, Vacuum Sealer & Blast Chiller Will Change The Way You Cook ...

Watch this webinar to find out why ...

Watch here

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